JPG To SWF Converter Software 7.0
6.9 MB

JPG To SWF Converter Software 7.0

Convert multiple JPGs to SWFs
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
6.9 MB

This software tool allows you to convert your JPG image files into SWF Flash animations. You can convert many JPG images into a single Flash animation (and thus create a sort of slideshow) or you can convert them on an individual basis thanks to its support for batch conversion. The program includes a couple of sample JPG images for you to test with before actually using your own files.

The program offers you various alternatives to add your source JPG files - you can drag them from Windows Explorer and drop them into the conversion list panel, or you can use the "Add Files" button to select them through a standard "Open" dialog. There is also the "Add Folder" button, which allows you to select a folder and let the program find and add all the JPG files inside it for you. A fourth method would be to execute the "Load sample/example files to test with" command in the "Help" menu, which loads the included sample files.

When your conversion list is complete, you can go to the "Conversion Options" section to set your preferences. You can select whether to convert all your source files into a single SWF file -in which case you can specify the delay between images in seconds - or convert them individually, and specify the appropriate output folder. Additionally, you will find a button that supposedly downloads "Flash Movie Player", a third-party tool that allows you to play your resulting SWF animations. However, this button simply leads you to a Google search, and not to the tool's installer or to its download page.

Finally, you can press the "Start Converting" button to trigger the process, which is normally very quick. Using this application, you could create inspiring or funny slideshows with your own JPEG images, and publish them on the Internet very easily.

RS Senior editor
Ricardo Soria
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Review summary


  • Supports batch conversion
  • Allows you to create basic slideshows with your images or photos
  • Offers you various methods to add your source files
  • Fast conversion process


  • Does not allow you to add transition effects between your images
  • It does not really download "Flash Movie Player" - it only leads you to a Google search
  • Does not allow you to customize the output file name (defaulted to "Output.swf")


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  • Convert jpg to swf
  • Jpg to swf converter
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